Trust your heart. It speaks only the truth.
Trust your heart. It speaks only the truth.
Life seen with blinders on not only limits what you see. It limits where you’re going.
An act of kindness makes your aura fluffy.
If you set the intention today to make it a Zippity Doo Dah Day, then rather than trudging through it, you’ll find yourself skipping your way through it.
If you want to see your life differently, look at it through my eyes.
The journey to discovering who you are is short, easy and fun. The journey to finding yourself is long, hard, and riddled with regret. The difference is that to find yourself, you must engage your mind, and to discover who you are, you must engage your heart.
Fear is a trickster. It can drive change, or it can prevent change.
When your mind fixates on a problem, practice the two year old child’s rule. Distract it with something fun.
If all you see is negativity, then all you’ll experience is what you see.
It’s true that a spoon full of sugar can help the medicine go down, but a good dose of optimism can make the world go ’round.