If you find yourself tripping through life, then turn it into a game of Hopscotch.
If you find yourself tripping through life, then turn it into a game of Hopscotch.
There’s a secret encoded message in this statement – The Path of Least Resistance. The message is if you take it, there will be less resistance in your life.
Remember the things you did as a child that made you laugh? Like putting black olives on the ends of your fingers? Putting pencils up your nose so you would look like a Walrus? Blowing bubbles in your milk glass?Spinning around pretending you were a dog chasing its tail? Well they still are and they’ll […]
What prevents you from playing more is that you let life get in the way.
Today will be the best day ever if you desire it to be the best day ever.
If you think too hard, you’ll never find the answer.
If an airplane can defy the odds of flight, then don’t let life’s challenges hold you down.
It isn’t your thoughts that change your reality. It’s changing the negative emotions attached to your thoughts that changes your reality.
Within your heart lies a light switch. When you laugh, it turns on.
Everything you imagine is real.