Tag Archives: daily message, soul message

DSM Feb 23, 2016

Who has your back when the going gets tough? ME Who heals your back when it hurts and is tired? ME Who still loves you when you’re kicking yourself in the backside? ME You see, you and I are best friends.

DSM Feb 24, 2016

The golden years don’t really have anything to do with age. In fact, they can happen at any age because the golden years are when you strike it rich. You find gold and discover that gold is called wisdom.

DSM Feb 26, 2016

Do you know that dreamtime is when you and I meet? It’s our time to play, to explore the present moment, to let go of the past, and to create the future. It’s when you remember you are me, and I am you.

DSM Feb 8, 2016

Life is just a big yummy chocolate sundae with lots of whip cream, chocolate sprinkles and a cherry on top. No, make that 2 cherries on top. Can you taste it? It’s called the sweetness of life.

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