DSM February 24, 2020 Rather than avoiding the uncomfortable, observe what makes you uncomfortable. Then ask yourself what do you need in order to feel comfortable?
DSM February 3, 2020 Master your thinking rather than focusing on your thoughts. This produces faster results and greater rewards.
DSM February 25, 2020 Self trust is the key to finding inner peace, and provides the assurance needed to overcome any challenges that come your way.
DSM February 26, 2020 If you put your fears in a glass box and observed them, you’ll see that they really aren’t scary at all.
DSM February 27, 2020 Everyday give thanks for the healing that’s in action whether you feel it or not. After all, you are a magnificent healing machine.
DSM February 28, 2020 You’ve been given one extra day this month. Use it wisely for it only happens every four years. Rather than designating it as just another work day why not make it a play day?