Today, use the energy of Leap Year to take that leap of faith you’ve been thinking about. After all, this is a very special day that only happens every four years.
You ask me what prevents you from manifesting your true desires. My answer is always the same. It’s your ego that conditioned part of you which takes control of your life based on its limited view of what you deserve.
If you take what happens personally, then others will hold you accountable for what happens. The worse part of this is, they’ll even convince you that you’re the problem.
Who has your back when the going gets tough? ME Who heals your back when it hurts and is tired? ME Who still loves you when you’re kicking yourself in the backside? ME You see, you and I are best friends.
What you believe is far more important than what you think. Believing is unstoppable, whereas thinking is fickle and frequently tends to procrastinate.
The golden years don’t really have anything to do with age. In fact, they can happen at any age because the golden years are when you strike it rich. You find gold and discover that gold is called wisdom.