DSM July 16, 2021 Self-judgment undermines self-esteem. You can’t feel good about yourself when you’re being critical of yourself. The two are incompatible.
DSM July 15, 2021 Procrastination can mean two things: 1) you don’t want to do what you’ve been asked to do, and 2) you don’t have enough information to do it.
DSM July 13, 2021 Move at your own pace. If you’re going to slow your past is holding you back. If you go to fast then other’s expectations are driving you.
DSM July 12, 2021 Happiness is a state of mind. If you want to be happy. See yourself happy and believe you are happy. If you don’t you’ll surely be unhappy.
DSM July 9, 2021 Everyday make it a point to ask at least one person, “What can I do?” Your heart feels good, and the person you’re helping feels good.
DSM July 5, 2021 Being a true friend requires being an active listener. Having a compassionate heart. Being free of judgment. A willingness to help without expecting anything in return.