Have you ever noticed that between 2AM – 4AM you remember all of the things you forgot to do during the day? And, remember all of the things you wished you had said?
Desire is a powerful money attractant. However, to attract money there are two things you must do. Create a plan to attract money in expected ways. Set the intention to attract money in unexpected ways.
Whose fears are driving you? If you feel frustration, they’re other people’s fears. If you feel inspired, they’re your fears and you’re ready to let them go.
If you have to try too hard to make something happen, then perhaps it isn’t suppose to happen. Perhaps it’s not the right time. Perhaps it’s beyond your control. Perhaps the reasons you’re trying to make it happen aren’t really yours.
Every day presents new challenges, whether you want it too or not. Remaining flexible reduces the stress factor and allows you to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.